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After a professor’s email, rumors of a disciplinary incident in COS 126 are spreading

Eight students enrolled in COS 126 spoke with The Daily Princetonian about rumors that swirled after Professor of Computer Science David August sent a Canvas announcement about plagiarism and the class’s collaboration policy. Students didn’t know why the message was sent and relayed the variety of rumors circulating on campus.

Eight students enrolled in COS 126 spoke with The Daily Princetonian about rumors that swirled after Professor of Computer Science David August sent a Canvas announcement about plagiarism and the class’s collaboration policy. Students didn’t know why the message was sent and relayed the variety of rumors circulating on campus.


Despite strong unionization push, hesitation remains for some graduate students

“I don’t need the union, because I feel like Princeton is meeting all my needs,” one graduate student told the ‘Prince.’ Others reported frustration with union leadership and cited divergent interests between students in STEM and the humanities as deterring factors for joining the unionization push.  

“I don’t need the union, because I feel like Princeton is meeting all my needs,” one graduate student told the ‘Prince.’ Others reported frustration with union leadership and cited divergent interests between students in STEM and the humanities as deterring factors for joining the unionization push.  

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