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Warren Crandall

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Battlefield Society opposes once again Institute for Advanced Study housing plan

The Institute for Advanced Study’s plan to build new faculty housing will face a legal challenge from the Princeton Battlefield Society despite the Princeton Planning Board’s recent 6-0 vote to approve the plan. The planning board’s vote of approval allows IAS to use a special type of zoning for its housing development, meaning that the development will avoid a stream corridor governed by the Delaware and Raritan Canal Commission.

The Daily Princetonian

U. to hire a full-time Title IX administrator

The University is currently in the process of searching to hire a Title IX administrator following pressure from the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights over the summer. A hire is expected to be announced by the middle of November. The position will primarily revolve around managing the University’s compliance with Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Violence Against Women Act.


A tale of two presidencies

University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 has begun to set an ambitious agenda for his term as the months wind down through his first academic year in office.He has, for example, announced a review of the grade deflation policy, suggested that the University will look into reversing its policy on accepting student transfers,and hinted at a potential expansion of the student body that could accompany a new residential college or an expansion of Forbes College. Eisgruber’s agenda, set so early in his presidency, is in contrast to the agenda set by his predecessor, former University President Shirley Tilghman early in her term.

The Daily Princetonian

University to hire chief information security officer

Princeton recently began a search to appoint an inaugural chief information security officer to lead and oversee University policy and strategy for its informational security, according to a recent job posting. The University currently employs an information technology security officer, Anthony Scaturro, although he is not a “chief.” University Spokesperson Martin Mbuguadeclined to compare the newly created position with the old one, arguing that such a comparison wasn’t useful.


Eisgruber ’83: Forbes College could be expanded to allow for student body increase

University President Christopher Eisgruber’83 suggested that the University may consider either building a seventh residential college or expanding Forbes College in order to handle a potential increase of the student body. Eisgruber floated the idea of expanding the student bodyat the lastCouncil of the Princeton University Community on Sept.

The Daily Princetonian

President Eisgruber '83 discusses details behind grading policy review

University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 pointedto the near-constant criticism that surrounds grade deflation as well as recent feedback received from alumni asthe strongest indicators that the policy needs review. “If anybody had said to me on the day that I voted for the [grading] policy … that a decade later this would still be a major topic on campus, I wouldn’t have believed it,” Eisgruber said in an interview Wednesday morning. In the most important policy review so far in his presidency, Eisgruber charged a committee of nine faculty members with reevaluating Princeton’s grade deflation policy on Monday.

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