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Twyla Colburn

A photo of Keith Whittington wearing a grey suit and blue dress shirt. He is smiling. In the background, there are full bookshelves.

Keith Whittington talks academic freedom as he decamps to Yale

Earlier this week, Whittington announced he is leaving Princeton to become a chaired Professor of Law at Yale. Following his announcement, Whittington spoke with The Daily Princetonian's Daybreak podcast on his career, free speech, grade inflation, and the Supreme Court.

Earlier this week, Whittington announced he is leaving Princeton to become a chaired Professor of Law at Yale. Following his announcement, Whittington spoke with The Daily Princetonian's Daybreak podcast on his career, free speech, grade inflation, and the Supreme Court.

White car with the words "Princeton University Facilities" in front of a row of other vehicles.  The image is superimposed with the words "daybreak: the daily princetonian."

Who really runs Princeton?

This week, the ‘Prince’ examined who runs Princeton, searching for the power players on campus. But today, Daybreak looks to answer a slightly different question: “Who’s really running Princeton?”

This week, the ‘Prince’ examined who runs Princeton, searching for the power players on campus. But today, Daybreak looks to answer a slightly different question: “Who’s really running Princeton?”

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