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Stephen Daniels


USG U-Councilor: Mental health and DEI referenda deserve the spotlight, too

“These referenda should be understood as indicating a new level of seriousness on the issues of mental health resources and diversity, equity, and inclusion on the part of the Senate.”

“these referenda should be understood as indicating a new level of seriousness on the issues of mental health resources and diversity, equity, and inclusion on the part of the Senate.”

USG New Members

Student apathy towards USG has real consequences

“The senate [has] the power to make the University a better place in some ways. But in order to have the greatest impact, students must understand what USG can actually do and elect candidates who have a history of making progress on those issues.”

“The senate [has] the power to make the University a better place in some ways. But in order to have the greatest impact, students must understand what USG can actually do and elect candidates who have a history of making progress on those issues.” 

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