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Sarah Park

A building of brown stone around a courtyard. A tree is in the distance through an archway. It is fall.

Manna isn’t trying to racialize religion

“Although it is not innately a bad thing when a religious group doubles as an ethnic or cultural affinity space, it does become harmful when that aspect defines the primary narrative surrounding it.”

“Although it is not innately a bad thing when a religious group doubles as an ethnic or cultural affinity space, it does become harmful when that aspect defines the primary narrative surrounding it.”

A brutalist building with windows on a sunny day.

Revive the creative writing program’s application process

“The CWR program should reinstate an application system that builds classes of students that are diverse and dedicated to being a part of and contributing to a CWR class.”

“The CWR program should reinstate an application system that builds classes of students that are diverse and dedicated to being a part of and contributing to a CWR class.”

Wendy Li P-Rade_2-6

Legacy admissions are another type of preferential admissions — and it isn’t all bad

“‘Unfair’ is not necessarily bad — preferential admissions, including legacy admissions, are necessary to create a diverse class and campus.”

“‘Unfair’ is not necessarily bad — preferential admissions, including legacy admissions, are necessary to create a diverse class and campus.”


Learning to burst the Orange Bubble

“There is a great deal to enjoy about our experience on campus, but that doesn’t mean we should seclude ourselves either. There’s a wide world outside the campus we live in — a world to explore, contribute to, and leave our mark on. We can start with the one right outside the gates.”

"There is a great deal to enjoy about our experience on campus, but that doesn’t mean we should seclude ourselves either. There’s a wide world outside the campus we live on, to explore and contribute to and leave our mark on; we can start with the one right outside the gates."

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