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Sarah Mashiat

Sarah Mashiat is a News Contributor to the Daily Princetonian from Queens, New York.


‘Making things better’: Keller Center talk focuses on design research

Carnegie Mellon professor Jodi Forlizzi spoke at the Keller Center’s Humanistic Design Speaker Series on design research and how understanding the field can better produce products.

Carnegie Mellon professor Jodi Forlizzi spoke at the Keller Center’s Humanistic Design Speaker Series on design research and how understanding the field can better produce products.

Gothic, stone building in the shade with illuminated gothic tower in the background.

Princeton has not asked departments to reduce graduate admissions as other colleges enact cuts

After the University of Pennsylvania reduced admissions rates for numerous graduate programs due to cuts in federal funding, The Daily Princetonian confirmed that admissions rates in graduate programs at Princeton University have not been affected by the cuts so far. The 'Prince' spoke to members of various Princeton departments about the varied anticipated impacts.

After the University of Pennsylvania reduced admissions rates for numerous graduate programs due to cuts in federal funding, The Daily Princetonian confirmed that admissions rates in graduate programs at Princeton University have not been affected by the cuts so far. The 'Prince' spoke to members of various Princeton departments about the varied anticipated impacts.

Crowd of people in orange and black jackets sit outside and listen to a speaker out of frame.

We asked seniors who they want their Class Day speaker to be. Here’s what they said.

Seniors discuss what speakers they would like to hear from for Class Day. Answers range from preferences for international speakers, entertainers, and athletes to no preference at all.

Seniors discuss what speakers they would like to hear from for Class Day. Answers range from preferences for international speakers, entertainers, and athletes to no preference at all.

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