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Samuel Garfinkle

The Daily Princetonian

Recent disaster relief fundraising efforts find success on U. campus

Recent natural disasters in Texas, Mexico, and Puerto Rico have inspired a tremendous wave of campus activism. Various initiatives led either fully or in part by Princeton students have already raised hundreds of thousands of dollars in the wake of several earthquakes and hurricanes that have torn a path of destruction through the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico. 

Q&A: Bill Bradley '65, Olympic gold medalist and Democratic U.S. Senator

Bill Bradley ’65 is a former University basketball star, Olympic gold medalist, Rhodes Scholar, U.S. Senator for New Jersey, and Democratic presidential candidate. The ‘Prince’ sat down to interview Bradley while he was on campus for an event to celebrate a donation of Bradley's own documents to the University.

Gordin appointed director of Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts

Established in 2000 by a gift from University Charter Trustee Lloyd Costen ’50, the Princeton Society of Fellows in the Liberal Arts supports a class of several scholars for a period of three years, providing them with financial and intellectual support. The Society, which has been directed for the last eight years by English professor Susan Stewart, will continue next year under the directorship of history professor Michael Gordin, according to a University press release.

The Daily Princetonian

Physics professor wins Cottrell Scholar Award for dark matter research, design of new physics seminar

While the course is intended for prospective physics majors, it will be open to students from other disciplines as well, Lisanti said. Furthermore, the course will aim to cover a broad range of techniques, as well as both experimental and theoretical research, through different projects during the semester.

The Daily Princetonian

USG votes on Honor Committee appointment changes, debates amendment to referendum policy

This week’s meeting of the Undergraduate Student Government featured debate on a wide range of amendments, as USG worked to wrap up new business for the spring. USG President Myesha Jemison ’18 opened with her report to the committee, which detailed upcoming meetings with administrators and student groups, as well as the interview process for the Honor Committee, which will commence tonight. U-Councilor Pooja Patel ’18 presented the upcoming “Get Yourself Tested” initiative, a partnership between USG and Princeton Students for Reproductive Justice. 

Rally for Hate-Free Princeton held to combat hate speech

After anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, and racist flyers were found posted around campus last week, Princeton Advocates for Justice and a coalition of graduate students held a Rally for a Hate-Free Princeton today in protest. The flyers had been found taped to Stanhope Hall, the Center for Jewish Life, Murray-Dodge Hall, and East Pyne. The rally was held in Firestone Plaza.

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