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Ryan Born

The ‘She Roars’ case for blind grading

While I cannot offer a solution to solve gross inequalities and biases, I can offer a solution to solve inequalities of grading that result from gross inequalities and bias — blind grading. The administration, students, and professors should mandate, advocate, and adopt blind grading as a general “best practices” solution to help deal with bias in the classroom. 


Princeton’s case for reparations

We, as undergraduates who voluntarily accepted Princeton’s offer of admission, would be bound by its obligations much as we are bound by many other obligations imposed on us once we agree to matriculate ― to write a thesis, to take so many classes a semester, to go on Outdoor Action, to stay out of disciplinary or academic trouble. We all accept admission on the understanding that there are obligations. 


Class conflict: Can we make course scheduling better?

We’re all told to maximize our time here, and no one will argue that the classes you choose are going  impact that time. Part of what you choose is the options you’re presented with, and course times are a big part of how we schedule our lives. Who knows how many people have left Princeton without experiencing that one life-changing class, that one class that made it all worth it, because Introduction to Spanish is at 1:30 p.m., and so is everything else.

The Daily Princetonian

Friends, professors, students: How do we make lectures better?

The unfortunate truth is, for most undergraduates, the majority of their time spent “learning” at Princeton is occupied by lectures. Last spring, I argued that professors should stop lecturing us; in other words, Princeton should get rid of lectures completely. Sadly, though unsurprisingly, the University has not ended lectures since the publication of my article. 

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton honorably affirms applicants' right to principled protest

I appreciate that Princeton is reassuring students who protest that their admissions rights will be protected if they stand up for what they believe in, on all sides of the political spectrum. While it would probably be wrong to see Princeton’s statement at this time as an explicit endorsement of gun control, I also think and hope that Princeton’s statement at time implicitly supports the gun control movement by giving Princeton applicants the courage that their views should be spoken regardless of possible disciplinary action.

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