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Ollie Thakar


How to interpret the big numbers in the news

In an effort to comprehend the exponential growth and the resulting large numbers associated with coronavirus, I have furnished some heuristic analogies that I hope will help  display the full expanse of the disease more concretely. If we take the time to comprehend the intuition-defying numbers of confirmed and new cases of the coronavirus, these numbers, while terribly disheartening, should become more manageable.

Room 50, McCosh Hall

When life gives you COVID-19, start learning for learning’s sake

With examinations, the pressures of job applications or graduate schools, and our own internal wills to maintain high GPAs looming over each semester, we often forget that learning can be fun. The coronavirus, while wreaking havoc in almost all aspects of our lives, can — if we make the most of the opportunity it has provided us — bring back the joys associated with being curious. 


On varieties of pencils

Both mechanical pencils and standard pencils require a certain degree of maintenance; while the regular sharpening of standard pencils is certainly more frequent than lead replacement in mechanical pencils, replacing lead is significantly less cathartic of an activity as grinding down a pencil. 


On digitization

This planted a doubt in my mind about my educational philosophy: in an age where technology makes school work more and more convenient, why do I even use pencil and paper to take notes at all?


The transition

We hear often of ways to lessen the college transition — perhaps the best way to do so is not to acknowledge the differences between past and future lives, rather to minimize those differences.

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