What is it about studying, libraries and papers that make you want to do anything else but deal with them?
Ah, the morning workout. Those “morning people” are such overachievers, aren’t they? Chances are, if you’re a night owl, you can barely fathom the thought of getting out of your bed in the morning, let alone dragging your butt to the gym to exercise. As someone who has dabbled in the super-early morning workout (5–7 a.m.), as well as the normal-early morning workout (8–10 a.m.), I will say that neither is an easy feat, especially in college, where rehearsals, events and study groups last until the wee hours of the morning.
This past weekend officially marked the end of my career as a student-athlete at Princeton. Although I will no longer spend countless hours underground at Jadwin Gym, the personal identitythat I have developed asa student athlete will stay with me forever. Being a freshman at Princeton can be daunting.
Do you ever look back on your childhood and wonder how you went through each day without a particular food?
Valentine’s Day. It’s the holiday that isn’t really a holiday; it’s the day single people love to hate.
Much of the population makes New Year's resolutions at the beginning of each calendar year. However, for us Princetonians, it seems much more suitable to make resolutions after the crazy and unstructured month of January.
I love the holiday season. As soon as Dec. 1hits, I break out my festive sweaters (all two of them), blast Michael Bublé’s “Christmas” album on repeat and replace note-taking in class with intense Pinterest stalking.
Maybe it’s because there’s only true daylight between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., or maybe it’s because shorts and parkas don’t mix well, but one thing is for sure: Dillon Gymnasium and the towpath get much less crowded during the wintertime.