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Natalie Nagorski


After more than 50 years of journalism classes, U. students, faculty celebrate new journalism certificate

After years of conversation, planning, advocacy, and hard work, the plan for a journalism certificate has finally materialized. The University faculty voted unanimously to approve the certificate. It will be open to students during the 2018–19 academic year on an application basis.


Palestinian ambassador discusses Middle Eastern peace

Palestinian ambassador to the U.S. Husam Zomlot was born as a refugee in a tent in the Gaza Strip. Today, Zomlot spoke at the Wilson School about a multilateral solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After 17 Palestinians were killed and over a thousand injured by Israeli military gunfire and tear gas on the border between the Gaza Strip and Israel two weeks ago, Zomlot offered a hopeful tone in his proposal for a peaceful solution

The Daily Princetonian

Canadian Consul General lectures on NAFTA, trade, the Canada–U.S. relationship

A Ford car physically crosses the border between Canada and the U.S. seven times before being sold in the U.S., according to Canadian Consul General Phyllis Yaffe, who spoke about the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the value of the relationship between Canada and the United States at Princeton on Tuesday afternoon.

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