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Myrial Holbrook

The Daily Princetonian

U. Responds to Concerns About Lead in Campus Water

The University has not yet found elevated levels of lead concentration in drinking water on campus, according to University Media Specialist Min Pullan.Concerns about lead concentration in campus drinking water surfaced in April whenreportsemerged that elementary schools in the area had water supplies that contained higher concentrations of lead.Princeton Health Officer Jeffrey Grosser explained that Johnson Park elementary school, in particular, had drinking water that tested above the EPA maximum contaminant level for copper.

The Daily Princetonian

Cara McCollum '15 passes away after car crash last week

Cara McCollum ’15 passed away early Monday morning at Cooper University Hospital in Camden, N.J., a week after sustaining critical injuries in a crashlast Monday on Route 55, according to University Hospital did not respond to request for comment.According to a post on the Facebook page titled “Prayers for Cara,” McCollum passed away Monday morning at 4:31 a.m., accompanied by her family in the operating room.

The Daily Princetonian

Cara McCollum '15 in critical condition after car accident

Cara McCollum ’15, Miss New Jersey 2013, is in critical condition at Cooper Health System after a car crash Monday night, according to The Press of Atlantic City. The Cooper Health System declined to comment, per the McCollum family’s wishes. McCollum was traveling north on Route 55 when her car spun off the road and hit a tree at mile marker 38.4 before hitting two other trees and coming to a stop on the embankment,according to Her airbag deployed in the crash, and she was not wearing a seatbelt,a report from New Jersey State Police reportsaid. McCollum was transported to Cooper Health Systems from the scene of the accident. In the report, police noted that speed and wet roads were factors in the accident.

The Daily Princetonian

Students respond to U. professor Perry's arrest

In response to African American Studies Professor Imani Perry’s arrest on Saturday, some University students are collecting stories from students, alumni, staff and faculty who have had experiences plagued by racism with the Princeton police department, according to Asanni York ’17. York said that this effort has the aim of urging the University to issue a statement supporting Perry, he said. He explained that the University, which he noted prides itself on diversity and inclusion, needs to look at the fact that though Perry is a black woman with a distinguished background, she still experiences the troubles that face other black women at the hands of police brutality and at the hand of a police state. "The police department is already threatening Professor Perry and the University needs to stand in solidarity with her," York said. York added that the students are issuing statements on Facebook, sending emails to campus listservs and tweeting to raise awareness. Perry was arrested on Saturday, Feb.

The Daily Princetonian

U. Professor arrested for an outstanding parking ticket

Imani Perry, theHughes-Rogers Professor of African American Studiesat the University, was arrested in the borough of Princeton for an outstanding parking ticket from three years ago on Saturday,according to Perry'sTwitter account. Perry wrote that the police allegedly refused to allow her to make a call before her arrest, conducted a body search on her and handcuffed her to a table at the station.She noted that although she was shaken by the incident, but that it has renewed her commitment to the struggle against racism and carcerality. Perry did not respond to requests for comment. The Princeton Police Department did not respond to requests for comment. Section 39:4-139.10 of title 39 of the 2013 New Jersey Revised Statutes state the penalties for failure to pay parking judgements include suspension of the driver’s license or the registration of the vehicle. Section 39:4-139.10a of the same statute states that if the court fails to issue a warrant for the arrest of an individual for parking violations or order a suspension of the individual’s driving privileges, the matter shall be dismissed and not reopened. Eddie S.

The Daily Princetonian

EEB professor Levin, Artin ’55 awarded National Medal of Science

Professor of ecology and evolutionary biology Simon Levinwill receive a National Medal of Science at a White House ceremony in January. The National Medal of Science is the highest presidential honor bestowed upon individuals in science and engineering who have contributed to knowledge in the fields of physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, behavioral and social sciences, and engineering. Chair of the President’s Committee on the National Medal of Science Judith Kimble could not be reached for comment. Professor of ecology and evolutionary biologyDaniel Rubenstein said that Levin’s work involves trying to understand patterns in nature and how they come to be.

The Daily Princetonian

U. psychology department creates 3 new labs

The psychology department at the University opened three new research laboratories in computational neuroscience, social neuroscience and developmental psychology in the past two years. Two of the labs, the Princeton Baby Lab and the Princeton Social Neuroscience Lab, were created at the beginning of this academic year. The Princeton Baby Lab is a joint initiative created by psychology professors Casey Lew-Williams and Lauren Emberson. “I primarily study language in the first years of life, and she primarily studies perception in the first years of life, but all with the focus on understanding how learning gets off the ground in the first place,” Lew-Williams explained. Lew-Williams noted an increasing desire in the psychology department to have the perspective of developmental researchers to better understand the origins of how adults process information in memory, attention and social interaction led the University to hire experts in the field. Psychology department chair Elizabeth Gould deferred comment to assistant chair Nicholas Turk-Browne.

The Daily Princetonian

Méndez discusses regulations for treatment of prisoners, calls for abolishment of death penalty

Torture does not provide safety and actually exacerbates societal problems, Juan Méndez, U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishmentand prominent human rights advocate, said in a lecture on Thursday. The lecture coincided with Méndez receiving the 2015 Adlai Stevenson Award for a “career of service to the global community,” according to the award’s website. Méndezexplained that even if one could say that torture provides intelligence and information, it also leads to a decrease in the citizens' trust and faith in their country. He added that citizens have fallen into a relativism about the moral condemnation of torture fueled by some state practice but also by our culture. “The culture in which we live is one that makes us feel that torture is ugly but it has to happen, that it’s inevitable, that somebody has to do it, that it keeps us safe — and if it keeps us safe, then we might as well look the other way and live with it,” he said. Mendez stressed the importance of understanding and upholding the international normative framework for human rights as essential to human rights advocacy and global accountability. He noted that the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, which establishes such a framework of obligations, is ratified by many nations and includes obligations of the state to prevent torture, obligations which Méndez sees as the foremost concern. Mechanisms for prevention of torture include periodic review of police practices, allowance for civilian oversight of law enforcement bodies and re-training of law enforcement officials, Méndez said.

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