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Matt Mleczko

Matt Mleczko
 Headshot by Julian Gottfried / The Daily Princetonian

Witherspoon PPL

Why Princeton University should donate the Butler Tract to a community land trust

In the second installment of a multi-part series on how Princeton University can promote affordable housing in a reparative framework and provide a model for other similar institutions to follow, Graduate Student Columnist Matt Mleczko proposes a housing intervention involving the Butler Tract. 

In the second installment of a multi-part series on how Princeton University can promote affordable housing in a reparative framework and provide a model for other similar institutions to follow, Graduate Student Columnist Matt Mleczko proposes a housing intervention involving the Butler Tract.


The obligation to act: how Princeton University can promote housing justice

In the first installment of a multi-part series on how Princeton University can promote affordable housing in a reparative framework and provide a model for other similar institutions to follow, Graduate Student Columnist Matt Mleczko provides background on the Butler Tract and the Universityu2019ss historic and ongoing role in housing dynamics in Princeton.

In the first installment of a multi-part series on how Princeton University can promote affordable housing in a reparative framework and provide a model for other similar institutions to follow, Graduate Student Columnist Matt Mleczko provides background on the Butler Tract and the University’s historic and ongoing role in housing dynamics in Princeton.

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Let us be the generation that ends exclusionary zoning

Ditching exclusionary zoning is an obvious step to take in solving America’s housing crisis. Our communities can truly be inclusive and ensure opportunity for all people, particularly people of color who have borne the brunt of exclusionary zoning for far too long. Embracing this vision may even help us finally get serious about solving our most intractable political problems.   

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The road to racial justice in Princeton must include housing justice

“No matter how you slice it, Princeton is highly unaffordable and out of reach for many households, but given the country’s history of racial inequality, this particularly excludes and prices out Black and Latinx households.”

“No matter how you slice it, Princeton is highly unaffordable and out of reach for many households, but given the country’s history of racial inequality, this particularly excludes and prices out Black and Latinx households.”

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