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Madeleine Marr

Madeleine Marr

Email Madeleine Marr


Thank you for everything, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Almost immediately after the Supreme Court announced the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, friends began reaching out. The women in my life all felt the need to check in, as we collectively experienced what felt like a personal blow. Her death meant an overwhelming loss to the women and girls who want to see a future where their worth was built into the foundations of their country.


Men explain things to me at Princeton

While comments sections are never hospitable places, there is a visible difference in the way the male writers are treated versus the female writers. While harassing female columnists is the extreme, it is a point on a spectrum that includes the abysmally small number of female faculty at Princeton, the underreporting of college sexual assaults, and the chronic interruption of female students in precepts and seminars. 

East Pyne

It’s never too early

There is a large yet unrecognized gap of guidance regarding future, planned pregnancies -- and how to incorporate those pregnancies into the lives the University subconsciously encourages its students to lead. A sub-department of Career Services dedicated to advising students on how to include family planning into their career considerations would allow students to work within already-understood paradigms.

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