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Luqmaan Bamba

Concrete staircase leading into dining area with people seated at square wooden tables. Banner above the stairway reads "Builds climate action"

Mineral extraction is destroying the Congo. Princeton must source sustainably.

“As an important and influential institution in the global green energy transition, Princeton’s role is to commit, and commit actively, to that vision of ethical sourcing for its climate infrastructure.”

“As an important and influential institution in the global green energy transition, Princeton’s role is to commit, and commit actively, to that vision of ethical sourcing for its climate infrastructure.”

Three paths diverge from one point. In the center is an ivy covered building.

Princeton must move toward a world-changing curriculum

“If we in the Orange Bubble are supposed to be taught how to be changemakers, our education should not just stop at learning about change but also extend to the tangible application of it.”

“If we in the Orange Bubble are supposed to be taught how to be changemakers, our education should not just stop at learning about change but also extend to the tangible application of it.”

A hallway with blue wallpaper and scattered blue chairs.

Black Princeton is fragmented. Let’s consolidate.

“Black student organizations and affinity groups divide the Black community at Princeton. The consortium model can serve to foster greater connection. Centralizing into a single organization with subsidiaries will bolster Black unity, financial power, and institutional influence.”

“Black student organizations and affinity groups divide the Black community at Princeton. The consortium model can serve to foster greater connection. Centralizing into a single organization with subsidiaries will bolster Black unity, financial power, and institutional influence.”

A courtyard on a sunny day with people milling, trees, and buildings in the background.

Princetonians are divided. Here’s how we can come together.

"In the status quo, diversity only means that diverse groups simply coexist in this institution. Robust engagement in a deep and meaningful way isn’t the norm. It should be."

"In the status quo, diversity only means that diverse groups simply coexist in this institution. Robust engagement in a deep and meaningful way isn’t the norm. It should be."

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