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Luke Gamble

​Athletes put to the test

What Aronson doesn’t realize is that there is a highly complex and sophisticated system in place to ensure the selection of the most qualified and competitive athletes who can make the most of an Ivy League education. Athletics is integral to the lives of a large portion of our community, all of whom believe that athletics is, in fact, a central component to the educational mission that the world’s most prestigious schools are pursuing.

The Daily Princetonian

The new attention disorder

We are all good at completing assignments and we excel at following directions. But our mental awareness should not be solely occupied with the endless treadmill of tasks and expectations that are placed in front us. It would be a tragedy for us to live our whole lives with our heads down, tending diligently to whatever we are presented with, only to find later in our lives that we never attended to what was actually worth our attention. 

The Daily Princetonian

The new deafening activism

College students in the United States are involved in political activism now more than any other time in the last 50 years.According to a recent survey conducted by UCLA, more students are committed to social justice now than since the height of the Civil Rights Movement.

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