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Leonard Milberg

An imposing stone building lit from within at night.

Since I aired my criticisms, my plans to contribute to the Princeton community have gone awry

“Eisgruber has denied events and donations that would be incredibly beneficial to Jewish as well as other Princeton students — and in doing so, has limited my own freedom of expression. These actions only hurt the Princeton community.”

“Eisgruber has denied events and donations that would be incredibly beneficial to Jewish as well as other Princeton students — and in doing so, has limited my own freedom of expression. These actions only hurt the Princeton community.”

Milberg Statue.jpg

Leonard Milberg ’53: When Princeton blocks exhibits of Jewish art with Confederate artists, it erases history

“One of the reasons I sponsor American Jewish exhibits is as an attempt to bring to light the fact that Jews were, and continue to be, part of the fabric of American life.”

“One of the reasons I sponsor American Jewish exhibits is as an attempt to bring to light the fact that Jews were, and continue to be, part of the fabric of American life.”

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