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Khadijah Anwar

A photo of a gothic building in springtime on an overcast day. The building has a dozen windows, and trees with pink flowers surround the building. 

A call for the drastic refurbishment of student housing

It is problematic that many students feel like their dorms are so uncomfortable that they are forced to spend most of their day away from their room, which is supposed to serve as a private space for students to unwind. The fact that a large chunk of upperclassman housing is called the “slums” is indicative of the dissatisfaction and discomfort that exists among students regarding their housing.


The role of corrosive patriotism in the Kashmir lockdown

Ideally, patriotism is a beautiful notion — a love for one’s homeland and heritage paired with a burning desire to protect those roots. In the real world, however, the idea of “patriotism” devolves into just another weapon used to propel conflicts between nationalist governments. Even more egregiously, it is oftentimes merely a disingenuous rebranding of chauvinism.

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