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Kelly Hatfield

The Daily Princetonian

Why the As I Am Campaign is important

There is perhaps no way to accurately convey the experience of living with an eating disorder, but over the course of the past seven years the best way I have discovered to (concisely) convey the point has been to describe a pernicious “voice” that is simultaneously mine and not mine that whispers self-loathing offers of faux control into my consciousness.

The Daily Princetonian

The fault in our films

For my friends, the process of choosing a movie involves nearly half an hour of deliberation, weighing individual preferences and moods (and the availability of certain titles on Netflix or quasi-reputable streaming sites). We float suggestions as disparate as Silence of the Lambs and Shakespeare in Love, and sometimes the whole endeavor is too fraught with conflict that we end up giving up altogether. The other night, however, we were all able to settle on Snowpiercer, the premise of which is a train that holds the survivors of a new Ice Age caused by scientists trying to combat global warming and succeeding all too well.

The Daily Princetonian

Media coverage and Ferguson

I am from Saint Louis, Miss. I was born there, and I spent most of my childhood and adolescence coming to terms with the mess of contradictions and issues that form the core of the city that I identify as home, while still trying to open my eyes to what makes this “flyover city” special. I am not from Ferguson specifically; I am from another suburb that helps compose the series of rings around Saint Louis’ largely rundown nucleus.

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