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Katherine Zhao

The Daily Princetonian

Abolish the SAT

Every university-aspiring high school student has gone through the ritual of spending four hours on a Saturday morning filling in tiny bubbles in a test booklet labeled “The SAT.” With the College Board’s recent announcement of an overhaul to the SAT which will enact changes in the spring of 2016, I was reminded of an important question: should the SAT be required for college admissions at all? Years ago, before the rise of high-powered review courses and coaching sessions that teach students how to take the test, the answer was “yes.” It was a way to level the playing field, to create a standard to balance out every high school’s different and possibly inflated GPA calculations.

The Daily Princetonian

Fixing ObamaCare (Yes, We Can)

As the confetti settled in Times Square, the New Year rang in with the first wave of new insurance policies under the Affordable Care Act, widely known as “ObamaCare.” The White House reported that more than 2.1 million Americans have already signed up for private insurance through the ObamaCare exchanges.

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