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The Daily Princetonian

Missing the point

“South Korea is a culture that prizes obeying your superiors,” CNN correspondent Kyung Lah stated in her coverage of the now capsized South Korean ferry. More than 450 passengers, many of them teenage students on a high school field trip, were aboard a ferry when it tipped over and began to sink off the South Korean coast on Wednesday, April 16, 2014.

The Daily Princetonian

Improving Mental Health Week

Monday marked the beginning of Mental Health Week, a USG-sponsored initiative that seeks to “increase awareness of mental wellness by connecting students with information about campus resources, reduce the stigma regarding seeking help and start and maintain a positive dialogue that is crucial to a safe and supporting community.” Through their various events, which range from talks and workshops to recreational activities, the Princeton Mental Health Initiative raises awareness about mental health issues on campus, invites students to foster an environment conducive to open dialogue and provides strategies for students to nurture their own mental well-being. However, the challenge lies not only in raising awareness about ways to improve mental wellness but also about changing the mindset of students in regard to these services.

The Daily Princetonian

Ice queen

I dashed up two flights of stairs to the Frist Campus Center television lounge after having endured the mandatory 15-minute post-meningitis vaccine waiting period.

The Daily Princetonian


“It occurred to me why they call it eye contact.” Hazel, the protagonist of John Green’s novel The Fault in Our Stars, aptly notes that more than one of our five senses is at play when two pairs of eyes meet.

The Daily Princetonian

Remembering I'm Asian

A couple weeks ago, Benjamin Dinovelli wrote a column titled “Forgetting I’m Asian.” In it, he describes his struggles with the notion of cultural identity as an ethnically Asian student raised by white parents.

The Daily Princetonian

Doing college right

A few weeks ago, one of my favorite high school teachers sent a message via Facebook to several of my friends in Boston demanding that they “stop hanging out” with one another, emphasizing her sincerity with all-caps text and more exclamation points than a humanities teacher should ever use.

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