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Jessica Nyquist

The Daily Princetonian

The rigor that Princeton students take for granted

When course selection comes out right after the grind and frustration of midterms, it's tempting to seek out the classes whose course evaluations promise an “easy A.” Another semester of all-nighters in Sherrerd Hall sounds less appealing than two hours of lecture a week, one hour of reading, and an in-class midterm plus final. But, as we plan for our limited semesters here, we should keep in mind that it is this academic rigor — the constantly challenging material and ambitious curriculum — that drove us to Princeton in the first place.

The Daily Princetonian

Female students must be more conscious of how they talk about their male peers

When surrounded by other females, I often feel free to candidly talk about men. In these private talks with friends, we forget the standards of respect that we expect from our peers. These men we are often talking about are not celebrities or public figures. They are our lab partners, members of our eating club, guys in our hall in Whitman College. They are our peers.

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