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Jeff Zymeri

Palmer Square Princeton (Princeton Rep.)

Princeton revisited: town Republicans persist despite strident opposition

The 2016 election continues to loom large on the psyche of Princeton Republicans. To many on both sides of the political spectrum, Donald Trump represented a subversion of political norms and accepted political behavior. To Dudley Sipprelle, Trump’s campaign posed a serious threat to the “traditional” Republican party. It was only after the Republican primary that Sipprelle was forced to come around on Trump and support his party’s nominee. 

James Fields.jpg

James Fields: A fresh perspective for PPS

“PCS is a part of the community whether we like it or not, and they’re here, they’re taxpayers, and a lot of the parents at PCS also have children at PPS. I think it’s unhealthy for us to create dichotomies between the two,” explained Fields. “They are both funded through taxpayer dollars. Because of that, I would like to see transparency on both sides, PPS and PCS, and I would like to see where we can have greater collaboration and cooperation.”

The Daily Princetonian

U. partners with Wall Street Journal to provide students with free subscriptions

“We’ve been waiting for this for such a long time,” explained Assistant University Librarian for Collection Development Patricia Gaspari-Bridges, referring to the University’s new partnership with the The Wall Street Journal. On Oct. 3, 2017, the Princeton University Library announced that members of the University community, including staff, students, and faculty members, now have access to the Journal’s online edition.


Temporary Jones Act waiver directly affects town company

 Opponents to the legislation, such as McCain, are using this 10-day period to propose that it be eliminated altogether. Since the act was waived, McCain, who did not offer comment, has repeatedly vocalized the need to repeal the act. The outdated piece of legislation doesn’t come cheap, either, Bhatia explained. As a crucial partner to the cargo ships, Puerto Rico essentially provides a third of the ship workers’ income. 

The Daily Princetonian

Schwartz '72 runs for Nevada governor, stresses independent voice

Dan Schwartz ’72, Nevada’s State Treasurer, is a Republican candidate running to replace Brian Sandoval, the state’s term-limited Republican governor.  Time and time again, Schwartz was not afraid to challenge Sandoval and those who he refers to as Sandoval's “lackeys in the Nevada legislature.” Schwartz’s rugged independence is a quality that he has spent a lifetime cultivating. Back in the early 1970’s, when Schwartz was a student here at Princeton, he exhibited many of the same qualities. 

The Daily Princetonian

Sustainable Princeton awarded $100,000 grant to develop municipality climate action plan

“In our world, there needs to be a real change in mindset,” explained Molly Jones, Executive Director of Sustainable Princeton, after a Sept. 11 announcement that the local organization had received a $100,000 grant to create a Climate Action Plan for the town of Princeton. “We need to consider the human impact on the environment.”

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