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Jason Choe

The Daily Princetonian

Uncertainty in the time of college

The dream, it has been said, is to find a partner of equivalent intellectual merit and productive potential as ourselves; to get married amid the towering buttresses of the University chapel, lit softly by the glow from the stained-glass windows; and to spend the rest of our days happily pursuing our interests and our goals, all the while extolling the virtues of our alma mater and contributing to its endowment in preparation for future generations, including, God willing, our own children. But we are also told, time and time again, to become our own individuals.

The Daily Princetonian

Leveling the precept playing field

A few days ago, after spending much of fall break recovering from the waves of pre-midterm stress, I was finally coherent enough to talk with some fellow classmates about the tests, what we thought of them and how well (or poorly) we thought we did on the exams (we may or may not have also taken bets on how low the curve would be). From the conversations I had, it became readily evident that we all utilized largely the same resources when preparing for the midterm — the same practice tests and previous exams on Blackboard, the same notes and class materials, the same textbooks and reading materials, the same office hours.

The Daily Princetonian

All books are equal, but some are more equal than others

In economics, a textbook would be called a highly inelastic good — each new generation of students inevitably needs it and, generally, each student will acquire it (often regardless of cost). Though the University's libraries have sets of these high-in-demand goods, they often sit on the shelves, unused, instead of being utilized by the students who need them the most. With each new semester comes a new list of textbooks to purchase for classes.

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