Play the Tuesday crossword, ‘Shaken, Not Stirred’
See if you can crack the code in this puzzle by Associate Puzzles Editor Jasin Cekinmez.
See if you can crack the code in this puzzle by Associate Puzzles Editor Jasin Cekinmez.
See if you can crack the code in this puzzle by Associate Puzzles Editor Jasin Cekinmez.
See if you can crack the code in this puzzle by Associate Puzzles Editor Jasin Cekinmez.
Following the 2028 Frosh Survey we broke down major declarations and anticipations for the Classes of 2024–2027 to find to which majors frosh will switch.
Following the 2028 Frosh Survey we broke down major declarations and anticipations for the Classes of 2024–2027 to find to which majors frosh will switch.
Put some pep in your step and solve this trek of a puzzle by Senior Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Put some pep in your step and solve this trek of a puzzle by Senior Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Taste test this timely puzzle by Staff Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Taste test this timely puzzle by Staff Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Taste test this timely puzzle by Staff Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Taste test this timely puzzle by Staff Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Take a deep breath and relax before this week’s puzzle by Jasin Cekinmez.
After reading the Asian life on campus special issue, see if you can solve this puzzle by Contributing Constructors Shana Ann Chen and Jasin Cekinmez.
After reading the Asian life on campus special issue, see if you can solve this puzzle by Contributing Constructors Shana Ann Chen and Jasin Cekinmez.
After reading the Asian life on campus special issue, see if you can solve this puzzle by Contributing Constructors Shana Ann Chen and Jasin Cekinmez.
After reading the Asian life on campus special issue, see if you can solve this puzzle by Contributing Constructors Shana Ann Chen and Jasin Cekinmez.
Find your 15 minutes of fame and finish this alliterative puzzle by Contributing Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Find your 15 minutes of fame and finish this alliterative puzzle by Contributing Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Find your 15 minutes of fame and finish this alliterative puzzle by Contributing Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.
Find your 15 minutes of fame and finish this alliterative puzzle by Contributing Constructor Jasin Cekinmez.