Improving the precept structure
How can one engage in serious debate if precept is merely a review of that week’s lecture materials or that week’s readings?
How can one engage in serious debate if precept is merely a review of that week’s lecture materials or that week’s readings?
If the goal of fire safety inspections is to stop violations that endanger the lives of the members of our community, then why should we not be willing to spend some more money in adopting a more effective — and more prudent — inspection policy?
The introduction of more faculty will mean an increase in courses, and this marks a perfect moment to increase the seminar format’s frequency.
It is great that so many students wish to offer opportunities to others on campus, but we should do so in an orderly, respectful, and non-wasteful fashion.
In its current state, the junior paper is a time-consuming endeavor for which we are neither properly compensated nor sufficiently empowered to complete to its highest potential.
Ultimately, if we want there to be any kind of change to conduct in our bathrooms, we will have to speak to either the rambunctious defilers of our common spacers themselves, or we will need to be willing to pick up the phone and contact University administrators who can act.
When our facilities workers are intensely disrespected, and when innocent students are put in harm’s way by people so inconsiderate that they cannot pick up their own trash, there have to be consequences.
A far better method than fines is to have violators do a certain number of community service hours helping facilities workers around campus. Of course, this would be after receiving a warning or two.
Instead of being able utilize their talents where they see fit, students currently face situations where they feel like they are simply rubber stamping a requirement.
Our substance-free housing system is flawed because it interconnects substance-free and substance-permitting rooms, negating nearly all of the benefits that substance-free housing is supposed to offer.