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Heather Grace

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“The Incorruptible Body” senior thesis review

“The Incorruptible Body,” a senior thesis exhibition by Angélica María Vielma ’18, is currently on view in the Hurley Gallery at the new Lewis Center for the Arts through Saturday, April 14.  The exhibition centers on photographic processes and representations of the self within a framework of Catholic iconography, as well as of Vielma’s own identity as the daughter of practicing clowns.


Somatoscapes: A senior thesis exhibition by Paulina King

This week marks the fifth week of thesis shows in the visual arts program, with senior Paulina King’s exhibition “Somatoscapes,” currently on view in Hurley Gallery. Primarily a sculptor and photographer, King has worked with tri-color film portraits and process-oriented sculptural series that combine industrial materials with a spatial sensibility informed by the natural world. 

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Pathological thesis

As a senior in the visual arts department, one of my three courses this spring is VIS 326: Pathological Color, taught by Jim Welling. The course allows students to experiment with color technologies in digital photography, and in our first seminar meeting we examined works by artists such as Andy Warhol, Ben Shahn, and Corita Kent that used psychedelic color in photographic and silk screen processes.


An Intersession of personal days

Going into the spring semester of senior year, this Intersession was all about feeling refreshed, and not least because I recently realized that the latest version of my résumé had a major misspelling. (Princeton “Univeristy” — I don’t want to talk about it.) After a long weekend at home post-finals, I left south Florida to return to a bitterly cold, nearly empty campus, but it wasn’t so bad.

Memes of wisdom for prefrosh

As an admitted student, you may know that many a meme in Princeton Memes for Preppy AF Teens, the student-generated Facebook group dedicated to sharing mood-lifting JPEGs, is devoted to bursting the bubble of “prefroshian” optimism (the mind of a child is truly wonderful). By being real about everything from precept participation and eating club stereotypes to bell curves and who is really the best Ivy, we Preppy AF Teens find solace in the public acknowledgment of our many woes.

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