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Evan Washington

The Daily Princetonian

Rolling Stone UVA story ‘was a collaborative failure,’ say authors of investigation at a lecture

The mistakes in the controversial Rolling Stone article, “A Rape on Campus,” were fundamental and avoidable, Sheila Coronel, an author of the investigative report on the article, said at a conversation with the report's co-author, Steve Coll, on Monday night. Coll is the Dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism and Coronel is the Academic Affairs Dean. The November article by Sabrina Rudin Erdely described in what Coll called “molecular detail” the alleged gruesome gang rape of the pseudonymous “Jackie” at a University of Virginia fraternity house party.


Panel discussion highlights exclusion of Chinese-Americans

The Chinese Exclusion Act had long-lasting negative effects on the Chinese-American community, University history professor Beth Lew-Williams and New York University professor Jack Tchen argued in a panel discussion on Wednesday. Stanley Katz, a Wilson School lecturer and the moderator, said he could “think of very few episodes that are less known to today’s students than Chinese exclusion.” There are parallels between American fear and fascination toward China at the time and the current American attitude toward North Korea, Tchen said. “This country now thinks of North Korea as the epitome of evil in a way that, you know, is not just about whatever is happening there,” Tchen said.

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