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Elizabeth Paul

The Daily Princetonian

Researchers find climate response is sensitive to emissions rate

The relationship between carbon emissions and climate response is much more complicated than previously thought, according to research published by scientists at the University's geosciences department andthe Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory on April 1in Geophysical Research Letters. The scientists' findings imply that current methods of comparing carbon emissions with temperature change are not effective. John Krasting, a physical scientist at the GFDL, which is associated with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, led the study. He explained that the researchers used a physical climate model coupled with a carbon cycle model to conduct the study.

The Daily Princetonian

Obama advisor discusses White House science policy

The United States will suffer in the future if it does not invest in the basic research that is the foundation for applied technology, John Holdren, director of the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy, said in a lecture Wednesday. Holden explained that Obama has stood behind his pledge to restore science to the forefront of the administration's attention, including investment in multi-disciplinary and high-risk research, support for science, technology, engineering and mathematics education reform and development of an advanced information technology ecosystem.

The Daily Princetonian

Princeton Energy Plant working to further increase U. energy efficiency

The Princeton Energy Plant, which provides electricity, steam and chilled water to the University campus, allows the University to take positive steps toward reducing its carbon footprint and energy-related costs. Plant manager Ted Borer explained that the plant is operated by a gas turbine that spins a power turbine which powers an electric generator.

The Daily Princetonian

PPPL designing experiment to understand magnetic reconnection

A new experiment, the Facility for Laboratory Reconnection Experiment, is being designed at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory to further scientists’ understanding of magnetic reconnection, a process relevant to both astrophysical plasmas and plasmas within fusion reactions. PPPL Director Stewart Prager said the PPPL will host FLARE and operate it during its research phase as well as contribute technical staff and researchers.

The Daily Princetonian

Female chemistry professors call for boycott after congress does not include women in list

Director of the Andlinger Center for Energy and the EnvironmentEmily Carter is joining two other female theoretical chemists in a call for the boycott of the 15thInternational Congress of Quantum Chemistry because its preliminary list of speakers did not include women. Laura Gagliardi, chemistry professor at the University of Minnesota, and Anna Krylov, chemistry professor at the University of Southern California, composed anopen letterwith Carter.

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Kahneman discusses human intuition, decision-making process

Daniel Kahneman gave a lecture on Monday in which he summarized his research on human judgment and decision-making, and he emphasized the ways in which human intuitions depart from logical coherence. Kahneman won the Nobel Prize in 2002 for economics and is a professor emeritus of psychology and public affairs in theWilson School. During his lecture, he explained that he became interested in the limitations of human intuition by noticing how his intuitions about statistical sample size in his own researchwere often incorrect.

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