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Eliza Shaffer

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Campus cafés reopen after 18 months

Two favorite locales of the University campus have reopened after 18 months — Coffee Club and Murray-Dodge Café. Both institutions function primarily by and for Princeton students, providing unique spaces to study and socialize. 

Two favorite locales of the University campus have reopened after 18 months — Coffee Club and Murray-Dodge Café. Both institutions function primarily by and for Princeton students, providing unique spaces to study and socialize.  

Frist Campus Center

Entryways program attendance fluctuates as first-years face Zoom fatigue

Entryways events have had varying degrees of success, with each weekly colloquia attended by approximately a quarter of the Class of 2024 and and zee group meeting attendance varying. Justin Yan ’21, a PAA for Whitman, said, “If I get half the zee group to show up, that’s a lot, even to the weekly meetings.”

Entryways events have had varying degrees of success, with each weekly colloquia attended by approximately a quarter of the class of 2024 and and zee group meeting attendance varying. Justin Yan ’21, a PAA for Whitman, said, “If I get half the zee group to show up, that’s a lot, even to the weekly meetings.”

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