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Colter Smith

The Daily Princetonian

How to fight the Islamic State

On Nov. 16, Luke Gamble wrote an opinion article titled “Mr. Hollande, No new wars”. In the article, Gamble cautioned France against making the same mistakes the US did after 9/11 by creating a “broad and blind war on terror.” While I agree with the sentiment of restraint shown in the article, I believe that such absolute pacifism is not the answer.

The Daily Princetonian

Textbooks should be free

This semester I have spent $319.42 on textbooks. The single most expensive of these cost me $129.47, and that’s after Labyrinth Books’ “student discount.” This has always struck me as one of the most ludicrous parts of life at the University and at colleges in general.

The Daily Princetonian

The Call

This January, Duke University had planned to begin broadcasting the Adhan, a traditional Muslim call to prayer, from the top of their chapel on Fridays in an effort to help create a more welcoming environment for Muslim students and foster community unity.

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