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Christine Whelan

In front of large stone building is a fence. Above the brown fence rests a board of five numbers, the top reads "1999." Below the "1999," lies (left to right) "1997" "1998" "2000" "2001."

Do Princetonians 25 years out know the purpose of life?

We analyze mood an purpose questions from the Class of 1999 ‘Prince’ Survey and the 2024 Senior Survey. Twelve percent of the Class of 1999 meets criteria further screening for depression, compared to 26 percent of the Class of 2024.

We analyze mood an purpose questions from the Class of 1999 ‘Prince’ Survey and the 2024 Senior Survey. Twelve percent of the Class of 1999 meets criteria further screening for depression, compared to 26 percent of the Class of 2024.

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