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Carolyne Davidson


Entering a Career: Q&A with Dr. Corina Tarnita from the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Dr. Corina Tarnita is a professor and mathematical biologist in Princeton’s Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology. I was fortunate enough to have her last fall as my professor for the freshman seminar FRS 191: The Equations of Life. I recently met with her to ask some questions about her background and career. 


Freshman Fall Highlights

The whirlwind of emotions and unfamiliar experiences felt by every college freshman makes it difficult to pause and reflect. Over Intersession, however, I took some time to look back on the past few months and realize just how much I’ve done and how much I love being a part of this energetic and talented community of people at Princeton. Here are the highlights of my freshman fall.


Hanukkah traditions of a Princeton student

While we all share an excitement for the start of a much-deserved winter break this Friday, the traditions we will enjoy over the holidays are vastly different. This sense of diversity is the cornerstone of the Princeton experience. I, for example, have learned so much about the Judaism thanks to my roommate, Malka Himelhoch ’21, who is a member of the vibrant Jewish community on campus. She shared with me the details surrounding Hanukkah and specifically how her family celebrates this joyful holiday.


Canada, eh?

For many, fall break meant a return home to relax and unwind. For Abraham Cruz-Pena ’21, fall break meant a week-long journey through Canada, exploring parks and historic sites. Cruz-Pena and ten other Princeton students departed from Princeton early Saturday morning in a large white van that they decorated with orange window paint. The trip was designed to be very budget-friendly, so the group stayed at Airbnb locations. Cruz-Pena said that “it was really fun cramming ten people into two rooms. We really got to know each other.”

The Daily Princetonian

Fall fashion on campus

While the fall weather here at Princeton may be off to a slow start, fall fashion is certainly not. Students around campus sport effortless style, mixing elements of environmental consciousness, simplicity, and comfort. Look here for inspiration on how to put together statement-making outfits as the leaves change color and the temperature drops.

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