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Cameron Lee

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Signing off: Reflections on the email monogram

“At times, due to its vast range of applications and correspondents, learning the craft of email often feels like learning how to code switch online, perhaps more so than any other form of digital communication.” For The Prospect, Head Editor Emerita Cameron Lee examines her professors’ use of monograms in their email signatures.

“At times, due to its vast range of applications and correspondents, learning the craft of email often feels like learning how to code switch online, perhaps more so than any other form of digital communication.” For The Prospect, Head Editor Emerita Cameron Lee examines her professors’ use of monograms in their email signatures.

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Experiencing ‘Signatures’: Relearning how to read

“In ‘Signatures,’ Pai seems to defamiliarize the process of reading itself.” Head Editor Emerita Cameron Lee covers Megan Pai ’22’s two-part senior thesis show called “Signatures.”

“In ‘Signatures,’ Pai seems to defamiliarize the process of reading itself.” Head Editor Emerita Cameron Lee covers Megan Pai ’22’s two-part senior thesis show called “Signatures.”

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‘The French Dispatch’ is totally camp — but that's what makes it so great

“Heralded as Wes Anderson’s “love letter to journalism,” the film follows the ins and outs of a fictional American newspaper called “The French Dispatch of the Liberty Kansas Evening Sun,” based out of the also fictional French city of Ennui-sur-Blasé.”

“Heralded as Wes Anderson’s “love letter to journalism,” the film follows the ins and outs of a fictional American newspaper called “The French Dispatch of the Liberty Kansas Evening Sun,” based out of the also fictional French city of Ennui-sur-Blasé.”


Why we should start listening to those ‘minor minorities’

“Watching the anti-Asian violence unfold on the news, I could not help but see my experience with dermatillomania as an allegory for how many Asian Americans, including myself, experience racism. There seems to be a pervasive insecurity that our struggles are unimportant, or simply not worthy of discussion.” 

“Watching the anti-Asian violence unfold on the news, I could not help but see my experience with dermatillomania as an allegory for how many Asian Americans, including myself, experience racism. There seems to be a pervasive insecurity that our struggles are unimportant, or simply not worthy of discussion.” 

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