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Bhaamati Borkhetaria

The Daily Princetonian

A different kind of bubble

“Can I say Mandarin to describe the language that you are speaking?” “What do you mean your Chinese name isn’t Flora?” These sorts of questions were met with hilarity from Chinese people who had never been so brashly questioned by a foreigner. But the answers were kindly given, even if they were also condescending. I accepted it and took the time to understand that the answers were usually this one person’s opinion or explanation, not representative of the entire Chinese populace.

The Daily Princetonian


If you’ve heard our president speak, you’ve heard about the dangerous, all-consuming “liberal media.” The “lying media.” The “fake news.” According to Trump and his advisors, the media seems to persecute any idea or person that does not follow its “liberal ideology.” This sort of media framing has become a popular way for editors and writers of alt-right news sources to defend their material.

The Daily Princetonian

Consent is not enough

Among all of this talk of consent, we are missing something that can help us better address the problem of sexual assault. We need to address the fact that even though sexual assault is being taken more seriously, neither the impulse to rape nor rape itself has disappeared.

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