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Benjamin Gelman

Email Benjamin Gelman

The Trustee Room.jpeg

The Young Alumni Trustee election process is a disgrace

“When the finances and governance of the University are at stake, as it is in this election, Princeton shows its authoritarian side. University community members, especially students, alumni, and professors who are concerned with the state of free speech rights on campus, ought to be outraged by this.”

“When the finances and governance of the University are at stake, as it is in this election, Princeton shows its authoritarian side. University community members, especially students, alumni, and professors who are concerned with the state of free speech rights on campus, ought to be outraged by this.”

1879 Hall

Don’t join the Honor Committee

“Students should not be fooled; joining either Committee means participating in the investigation and punishment of one’s peers without due process — and we should simply stop doing so.”

“Students should not be fooled; joining either Committee means participating in the investigation and punishment of one’s peers without due process — and we should simply stop doing so.”

Ken Buck Colorado

Congressman Ken Buck ’81 does not deserve PICS interns

“The way to stop producing alumni like this is to show current Princeton students that their politics do not represent our values, and for us to not support politicians like Buck with our time and talent.”

“The way to stop producing alumni like this is to show current Princeton students that their politics do not represent our values, and for us to not support politicians like Buck with our time and talent.”


USG has abandoned their democratic principles

“Princeton students are asked to take USG seriously as a truly representative body, but they have now thrown out this legitimacy in favor of appeasing a small, angry group of students. Going forward, it will be on them to earn our trust back and on us to hold them accountable.”

“Princeton students are asked to take USG seriously as a truly representative body, but they have now thrown out this legitimacy in favor of appeasing a small, angry group of students. Going forward, it will be on them to earn our trust back and on us to hold them accountable.” 

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