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Benjamin Dinovelli

The Daily Princetonian

Could I have done better?

As I stood in the middle of the Wilson School’s Fountain of Freedom after submitting my senior thesis, I could not help but feel, hidden beneath the watery surface and among the cold stone tiles, a lurking sense of self-doubt.Was this the best work that I could have turned in?

The Daily Princetonian

On Ferguson

I do not have to worry about being too suspicious.I do not have to worry about the clothes I wear.I do not have to worry about people crossing the street to avoid me.I do not have to worry about storeowners carefully watching my every move. In fact, I have experienced the opposite.

The Daily Princetonian

CJL: Freedom of speech or association?

Over half a century ago, an authoritative body tried to silence an organization’s right to associate.When the issue came before the Supreme Court, Justice John Marshall Harlan II, in a unanimous opinion, wrote, ”It is beyond debate that freedom to engage in association for the advancement of beliefs and ideas is an inseparable aspect of the ‘liberty’ assured by the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.”The case: NAACP v.

The Daily Princetonian

The limitations of privacy

It was a bright cold day in May, and the clocks were striking 14-and-a-half, as a crowd full of Princeton students, alumni, teachers and relatives filtered into McCosh 50 yesterday to hear the panel “Big Brother is Watching: Is Privacy a Thing of the Past or Can It Be Reclaimed?” moderated by Princeton professor Ed Felten.

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