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Benjamin Ball

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Students hold protest in solidarity with MOVE

This week, over a hundred students gathered on the lawn outside Nassau Hall to stand in solidarity with the MOVE organization in Philadelphia in protest of Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania’s handling of the remains of 1985 MOVE police bombing victims. As of Friday, the remains of the MOVE bombings victims have been moved to a West Philadelphia funeral home.

This week, over a hundred students gathered on the lawn outside Nassau Hall to stand in solidarity with the MOVE organization in Philadelphia in protest of Princeton and the University of Pennsylvania’s handling of the remains of 1985 MOVE police bombing victims. As of Friday, the remains of the MOVE bombings victims have been moved to a West Philadelphia funeral home.

Title IX protest posters

U. releases Joint Committee and External Review reports on Title IX process

On Thursday, Oct. 24, the University released the report from the independent external review providing an analysis of and recommendations for the Title IX process and the report from the Joint Committee made up of members of the Faculty-Student Committee on Sexual Misconduct and the University Student Life Committee.

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