On the 12th of September, Princeton opened for the academic year. A huge barrage of loaded Dinky trains, excited hugs, orange carts and the sudden reminder of the doors that are magically open to you with the card with Princeton written on it soon followed.
“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” — Oscar Wilde In high school, I was a big fan of anonymity.
Two weeks ago, upperclassmen participated in the draw for housing in Spelman. Spelman apartments —which each have four singles, a common room, a bathroom and a kitchen —are one of the most popular housing options for upperclassmen who have decided to go Independent, as it gives them much-needed access to a place to privately prepare food.For independent students, access to a kitchen is of utmost importance as it is often their primary source of food.
On Sunday, the Editorial Board wrote an editorial encouraging the University to adopt measures relating to the current pass/D/fail policy.
The recent discussion regarding Bicker has attracted much interest and discussion, but as much as I am glad that the dialogue is active, I’d like to present another question to the debate: Why do we still have Bicker?