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Anoushka Mariwala


Fake news, a real problem

Journalism is no stranger to April Fools’ Day and its traditions. Indeed, April 1 invokes a long tradition of journalists’ publishing hoax stories to trick readers and listeners. By the early 20th century, the phenomenon had already firmly entrenched itself into the American reporting tradition.


Ode to the inevitable writer’s block

I’m not good at writing on a deadline. I often tell people this is the reason why I don’t want to be a writer. Nobody wants to become a writer, other aspiring writers have knowledgeably informed me. It’s not something that you set out to do; it just happens. And then they return to edit the fifth draft of their novel, scribbling furiously on the papers in front of them. 

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Journal Entries

 I recently began to journal, a decision that was motivated in part by the horror that accompanied the end of my first semester (where did four months even go?) and the borderline, mostly-for-dramatic-effect existential crisis that occurred soon after, but also in an effort to become a better writer. When my editors informed me that the theme of this week’s Street issue was ‘entry,’ my one-track mind and a strange rendition of the Baader-Meinhof effect immediately associated the word with journaling. 


Acclaimed Dancer David Hallberg Visits Princeton

“I remember what it feels like to dance. To move so freely that my body releases and creative intuition takes over, leading me beyond the worry of executing technique to a realm where nothing exists but the movement, the music, the emotions. I miss those memories of freedom, but they are embedded in my mind and my body. I can replay them whenever I wish.” 

The Daily Princetonian

Campus Workers Deal with Stress

We all made it through midterms, arguably one of the most stressful times of the year.  Having two exams, your D2, a COS 126 assignment due that just won't work, and a paper to write all in one week amidst your regular schoolwork can definitely feel overwhelming.  Drowning in our own little struggles though, we sometimes fail to remember that all the members of the Princeton community have their own stresses to deal with, academic or otherwise. This week, we interviewed members of the Princeton community to get some advice, put our own stresses into perspective, and learn more about the community around us. 


Culture, Shock!

“Well, technically it was just an eighteen hour flight, but I was in transit for about six more, so I think it was a full twenty four?” — Sophie Li ’21. We went in a circle, nodding emphatically as people voiced their complaints about long-haul flights and panic-induced text messages from parents at the most obscene hours. Yet, despite these collective gripes, we drove, flew, and sailed, donning our orange and black with pride, vowing to conquer everything from ISC to the senior thesis to do our bit in the service of humanity.

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