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Between two communities: Being queer and Muslim at Princeton

“Just like being queer in Muslim spaces felt risky, being Muslim in queer spaces felt difficult as well.” An anonymous student reflects on the challenges of navigating the queer and Muslim communities at Princeton.

“Just like being queer in Muslim spaces felt risky, being Muslim in queer spaces felt difficult as well.” An anonymous student reflects on the challenges of navigating the queer and Muslim communities at Princeton.

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Navigating doubts, hopes, and hormone replacement therapy at Princeton

“As I waited to be seen by the next practitioner, I thought back through the journey which led me to that room.” In an anonymous guest contribution to The Prospect, a Princeton student shares their journey to beginning gender-affirming care at McCosh Health Center.

“As I waited to be seen by the next practitioner, I thought back through the journey which led me to that room.” In an anonymous guest contribution to The Prospect, a Princeton student shares their journey to beginning gender-affirming care at McCosh Health Center.


Cannon alum: Cancel Bicker

An alum and former Cannon member recounts their experience in Bicker discussions, citing data and notes from those discussions to demonstrate their view that Bicker is an unjust process in need of substantial reform. 

An alum and former Cannon member recounts their experience in Bicker discussions, citing data and notes from those discussions to demonstrate their view that Bicker is an unjust process in need of substantial reform. 


Body positivity talk with yoga teacher Jessamyn Stanley

As someone with an unhealthy relationship with my own body, I go out of my way to avoid body positivity conversations. Just the thought of being recognized as someone who isn’t skinny is very stressful to me. And over the years, I’ve grown to hate and be very harsh on myself. So yeah, body positivity talks don’t inspire or empower me or cause me to suddenly love myself. And I didn’t feel inspired by this one either. However, this talk had a deep impact on me. Hearing Jessamyn Stanley — who, by the way, is a boss — talk about her experience as a fat woman practicing yoga was a huge wake-up call to me.

The Daily Princetonian

Why mental health is a problem at Princeton: Perspective of a schizophrenic

The administration is fully informed about my mental health condition and multiple hospitalizations. They are aware of my diagnoses following discharge. They are aware that I have to attend the Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP). Yet for some reason, they fail to understand. Take the exams now, or you take the other option: a leave of absence. The University’s ultimate solution to all mental health problems: an involuntary leave of absence.


LOVE & LUST: Lovers and Strangers in the Crowd

In this new chapter of my life, I find humor in your malice. The breakup was messy. The way you decided to process my actions and negate your missteps has just made it easier for me to realize how low I set my own standards when I decided to be with you. Now I know what I deserve. I know anger, denial, and mudslinging are how you cope, and although I shouldn’t respect you, I can’t help but have a loving disposition towards you and a genuine hope that you find happiness and success down the road. Having you in my life taught me a lot of things. As my first love, you taught me how to love someone else. However, it wasn’t until you were long gone from my life that I was finally able to learn how to love myself. 

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