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Andie Ayala

In Pursuit of Space

The ever-elusive “space” is a word spoken into a great expanse of hopes and fears and delusions: “safe spaces,” “inclusive spaces,” “open spaces,” “green spaces,” “learning spaces.” In this space, words float around abstractly, almost effortlessly, seemingly without the weight of any gravity; appearing to be a distant glimmer of an idea, a once bright and assuring light, which — without much definition — easily fades into obscurity.Coming to Princeton, it’s tempting to feel as though the rhetoric surrounding the term “space” stretches the word out, magnifies it, and tacks it onto well-designed brochures and anonymous invitations.

Spirit of Princeton 2016 winners

8 students win 2016 Spirit of Princeton Award

Eight students received the 2016 Spirit of Princeton Award awarded by the Office of the Dean of Undergraduate Students.The awardees are Cameron Bell ’16, Yonathan Benyamini ’16, Naimah Hakim ’16, Lawrence Liu ’16, Jack Mazzulo ’16, Ian McGeary ’16, Beverly Nguyen ’16 and Olivia Robbins ’16.The award recognizes a select group of undergraduate students who have made positive contributions to various facets of the University, including in the arts, community service, student organizations, residential living, religious life and athletic endeavors.All undergraduate students were eligible for the Spirit of Princeton award and could have been nominated by faculty members, alumni, staff and fellow students in the Princeton community.

The Daily Princetonian

Vargas discusses immigration, empathy

At a lecture on Wednesday, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and filmmaker Jose Antonio Vargas explored how to develop empathy and understanding in an increasingly diverse country. “I traffic in empathy,” Vargas said. Since coming out as a gay, undocumented immigrant, Vargas has written about his story in numerous news publications, including the front cover ‘We Are Americans’ issue of Time Magazine.

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