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Andi Grene

Andi Grene
Illustration by Payton Croskey / The Daily Princetonian

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Our lives here don't have to feel boring

“At Princeton, it is necessary to experience actively and not — as that visiting friend said — take the positives of campus for granted simply because we know them well. In the two years that my classmates and I have left, we must reacquaint ourselves with our campus and appreciate the old in a new light.”

“At Princeton, it is necessary to experience actively and not — as that visiting friend said — take the positives of campus for granted simply because we know them well. In the two years that my classmates and I have left, we must reacquaint ourselves with our campus and appreciate the old in a new light.”

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The social implications of a maskless Princeton

“The decision to remove the mask mandate marks the gradual, yet eventual, end to the pandemic’s social repercussions for our campus. Even though we must approach this transition with utmost sensitivity, it is a transition that is much needed. I, for one, look forward to its positive impacts on students’ social life.”

“The decision to remove the mask mandate marks the gradual, yet eventual, end to the pandemic’s social repercussions for our campus. Even though we must approach this transition with utmost sensitivity, it is a transition that is much needed. I, for one, look forward to its positive impacts on students’ social life.”


Pursuit of self-affirmation at Princeton: The Bicker process

“At Princeton, sources of validation are scarce, laying the groundwork for Bicker’s appeal. Bicker represents one of the few opportunities on campus to once again be told that you are special.”

“At Princeton, sources of validation are scarce, laying the groundwork for Bicker’s appeal. Bicker represents one of the few opportunities on campus to once again be told that you are special.”

Participants in New York City's March For Our Lives event

How we can learn from the Michigan shooting to age responsibly

“We must age responsibly and not let the apathy of adulthood pervade our commitment to protecting the next generation of Americans; this is a commitment that may take form in attending more gun control rallies, engaging with local politicians in support of gun reform, or simply maintaining our rage at the continuity of gun violence in our country and empathy for its young victims.”

“We must age responsibly and not let the apathy of adulthood pervade our commitment to protecting the next generation of Americans; this is a commitment that may take form in attending more gun control rallies, engaging with local politicians in support of gun reform, or simply maintaining our rage at the continuity of gun violence in our country and empathy for its young victims.”


Why classes should be canceled on Election Day

“‘Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity’ is our University’s informal motto. If Princeton students are actively disincentivized to participate in US political affairs in fear of missing class and falling behind on work, how can the University claim that it is committed to servicing the nation?”

“‘Princeton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity’ is our University’s informal motto. If Princeton students are actively disincentivized to participate in US political affairs in fear of missing class and falling behind on work, how can the University claim that it is committed to servicing the nation?” 

Lawnparties 2021

Why we should un-theme Lawnparties

“This preppy Lawnparties groupthink resulted in a homogeneity that limited students’ embrace of authenticity on the day. In order to counteract the effects of the restrictive environment Lawnparties creates, we must reject the theming of all future Lawnparties.”  

“This preppy Lawnparties groupthink resulted in a homogeneity that limited students’ embrace of authenticity on the day. In order to counteract the effects of the restrictive environment Lawnparties creates, we must reject the theming of all future Lawnparties.”   

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Thus Spoke The Undergrads: On being a filthy cheater

“As a friend of the girlfriend’s, you should share what you know. Yet your role as a confidant means you agreed to keep your friend’s secret quiet. If they thought you would share it with their girlfriend, they probably would not have told you that they were cheating. In this situation, obligation gives us no decisive answer about what you should do.”  

“As a friend of the girlfriend’s, you should share what you know. Yet your role as a confidant means you agreed to keep your friend’s secret quiet. If they thought you would share it with their girlfriend, they probably would not have told you that they were cheating. In this situation, obligation gives us no decisive answer about what you should do.”  

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Thus Spoke the Undergrads: On noisy roommate sex

“Is there a moral issue here? Can sex and sleep be weighed using a utilitarian metric? And what obligation does a roommate have to fulfill the requests of their neighbor? To answer any of these questions, you, our dear questioner, will first have to confront your roommate.”

“Is there a moral issue here? Can sex and sleep be weighed using a utilitarian metric? And what obligation does a roommate have to fulfill the requests of their neighbor? To answer any of these questions, you, our dear questioner, will first have to confront your roommate.”


We should expect, not glorify, Princeton’s financial aid

“It is not benevolence that drives Princeton’s suitable aid, but rather a recognition of the obvious. In a world where most universities choose to look away from the clear financial need of their applicants, Princeton chooses to keep its eyes open.” 

“It is not benevolence that drives Princeton’s suitable aid, but rather a recognition of the obvious. In a world where most universities choose to look away from the clear financial need of their applicants, Princeton chooses to keep its eyes open.” 

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