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Allen Liu

Allen Liu
 Headshot by Julian Gottfried / The Daily Princetonian

A brick three-story building with a blue gothic-styled door.

Mental health care must be proactive

“Rather than taking a reactive approach to mental health, the University can ensure that well-being is a central part of its decision-making and student experiences at Princeton. Mental health care can be proactive, and on a healthy campus, it must be.”

“Rather than taking a reactive approach to mental health, the University can ensure that well-being is a central part of its decision-making and student experiences at Princeton. Mental health care can be proactive, and on a healthy campus, it must be.”

Crowded Frist Campus Center

What will Princeton be like after the pandemic?

“The pandemic has contributed to the shrinking of our social circles: those of us who were here before the pandemic lost touch with people beyond our close friends and now interact with a more limited set of people. Those of us who started Princeton during the pandemic began with a more limited set of relationships and missed many of the social events that helped students with different interests and identities meet each other.”

“The pandemic has stratified campus and diminished its “magic”. However, with an improving pandemic and effort on our parts, I hope that we can revive it.”

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Reactions: Princeton may loosen the mask mandate ... after classes end

For the Reactions series, columnists respond to the University’s announcement that the mask mandate will be reconsidered and potentially relaxed ten days after Thanksgiving Break ends. 

For the Reactions series, columnists respond to the University’s announcement that the mask mandate will be reconsidered and potentially relaxed ten days after Thanksgiving Break ends. 

McCosh 50 Lecture Hal

Tough introductory courses discourage academic exploration

“Rigorous classes enrich academic life at Princeton. However, having seen how the difficulty of classes impacts students’ choices about what classes to take, what to major in, and the post-graduation plans they pursue, I believe we should prioritize exploration as much as we prioritize rigor. Let’s make academic risk-taking less risky.”

“Rigorous classes enrich academic life at Princeton. However, having seen how the difficulty of classes impacts students’ choices about what classes to take, what to major in, and the post-graduation plans they pursue, I believe we should prioritize exploration as much as we prioritize rigor. Let’s make academic risk-taking less risky.”

Eating clubs

What ‘party culture’ reveals about our mental health

“The intensity of life at Princeton and relative isolation of campus can be stifling, and it may feel that the only escape is a pregame or a night out. However, if students and the University do more to prioritize well-being, it doesn’t have to be that way.”

“The intensity of life at Princeton and relative isolation of campus can be stifling, and it may feel that the only escape is a pregame or a night out. However, if students and the University do more to prioritize well-being, it doesn’t have to be that way.”


Stop treating Princeton like a bucket list

“It’s easy to feel apathetic or detached from campus because of the experiences we missed. Instead of focusing on what we could next check off our bucket list, we should focus on something even more important: each other.”  

“It’s easy to feel apathetic or detached from campus because of the experiences we missed. Instead of focusing on what we could next check off our bucket list, we should focus on something even more important: each other.”  

1879 Hall

Professors should cancel scheduled finals, reduce length of take-home exams

“The COVID-19 pandemic, the limitations that students face this semester, and grief have fundamentally compromised learning. Professors, this is not your fault — you are not to blame for the conditions that have made teaching and learning exceedingly difficult this year. However, if there is a moment when your compassion is more needed than ever, that moment is now.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic, the limitations that students face this semester, and grief have fundamentally compromised learning. Professors, this is not your fault — you are not to blame for the conditions that have made teaching and learning exceedingly difficult this year. However, if there is a moment when your compassion is more needed than ever, that moment is now.” 

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Major League Baseball was right to condemn Georgia’s voting law. It shouldn’t have left the state.

“If MLB truly wanted to stop the attack on voting rights it should not have relocated — it should have just stayed in Georgia.”

“If MLB truly wanted to stop the attack on voting rights it should not have relocated — it should have just stayed in Georgia.”

Whitman College dining hall

Mental health shouldn’t only matter during the pandemic

“There has always been a mental health problem at Princeton and our peer institutions, and it shouldn’t take highly-visible levels of burnout or worse, a tragedy, to address it.”

“There has always been a mental health problem at Princeton and our peer institutions, and it shouldn’t take highly-visible levels of burnout or worse, a tragedy, to address it.”

Frist Campus Center at night

In virtual semester, community building requires a new approach

“On a campus that can feel so isolating, it’s worth remembering that many of us are mere minutes away from each other. We can create a campus community if we make the effort, and we owe it to each other to do so.”

“On a campus that can feel so isolating, it’s worth remembering that many of us are mere minutes away from each other. We can create a campus community if we make the effort, and we owe it to each other to do so.” 

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