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Alexander Margulis


A ‘climate apocalypse’ is all but inevitable. Why aren’t we planning for it?

Not only must every Princeton student think about what sort of life they can — or should — build in the context of an ever-warming world, but also that the climate activists on campus who intend to spur this sort of thinking often end up discouraging it.

Not only must every Princeton student think about what sort of life they can — or should — build in the context of an ever-warming world, but also that the climate activists on campus who intend to spur this sort of thinking often end up discouraging it.

A fountain in front of a white building with columns.

Trump’s anti-intellectualism is an attack against Princeton

“As members of a university community who benefit from our access to education and intellectual freedom, we have a responsibility to stop these plans by voting against Trump.”

“As members of a university community who benefit from our access to education and intellectual freedom, we have a responsibility to stop these plans by voting against Trump.”

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