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USG announces Jason Derulo as Fall Lawnparties headliner

The University’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) announced today that the headliner for this year’s virtual Lawnparties will be Jason Derulo. Derulo started his solo career in 2009 and has since achieved eleven Platinum singles.  

The University’s Undergraduate Student Government (USG) announced today that the headliner for this year’s virtual Lawnparties will be Jason Derulo. 

NEWS | 10/23/2020

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First-year Class Council candidates adjust to virtual campaigning

Twenty-seven first-years are running for five 2024 Class Council positions this semester. New rules allow candidates to collect signatures via an electronic petition and send messages to large group chats and listservs, which were not allowed previously.

Twenty-seven first-years are running for five 2024 Class Council positions this semester. New rules allow candidates to collect signatures via an electronic petition and send messages to large group chats and listservs, which were not allowed previously.

NEWS | 09/29/2020

Sept. 20, 2020 USG Meeting

Crotty ’00 reviews updated Title IX policies at USG meeting

All conduct previously in violation of University policy will still violate the updated policies, though cases may be adjudicated under different procedures. 

At the most recent USG meeting, Crotty reviewed the University’s modified Title IX Sexual Harassment Policy and Sexual Misconduct Policy. All conduct previously in violation of University policy will continue to violate these updated policies, though they may be adjudicated under different procedures.

NEWS | 09/23/2020

Scudder Plaza during Fall Lawnparties (2019)

USG responds to backlash over Lawnparties

In response to backlash over the news that USG is spending $80,000 on virtual Lawnparties, USG Social Chair Sophie Torres ’21 sent an email to undergraduates on Sept. 11, detailing USG’s reasons for holding Lawnparties, as well as the source of the funding. Not all students are satisfied.

In response to backlash over the news that USG is spending $80,000 on virtual Lawnparties, USG Social Chair Sophie Torres sent a follow-up email to undergraduates on Sept. 11, detailing USG’s reasons for holding Lawnparties, as well as the source of the funding.

NEWS | 09/13/2020

Title IX Town Hall

Vice Provost Minter calls Devos Title IX changes ‘problematic,’ explains U. process for adopting regulations

“Whatever the [Trump] Administration has done or will do with respect to gender identity [or] gender expression, our policies will protect people’s gender identity and gender expression,” Title IX Administrator Regan Crotty ’00 said.

NEWS | 06/15/2020

Student survey grading

63.4% of students ‘would seriously consider’ leave of absence if fall is online, USG report finds

The survey results, released on Saturday, were based on 2,237 total responses and included student feedback on a wide range of issues regarding the COVID-19 crisis’ impact on academics and student life. Each survey question was optional, so each had a different number of total respondents. 

NEWS | 05/16/2020

A book titled “Rights, Rules, Responsibilities” with a pen to the side on a wooden desk.

USG reviews referendum position paper, confirms Honor Committee and Committee on Discipline members

Anne Grinder ’23, Samuel Fendler ’21, Michael Wang ’21, Munisa Said ’22, Matthew Weatherhead ’23, Yujin Angolio ’23, and Dylan Shapiro ’23 were reconfirmed for the Honor Committee. Abbie Willhelm ’23, Avner Goldstein ’21, Jennifer Lee ’23, and Daisy Torres ’22 were confirmed for the Committee on Discipline.

NEWS | 05/10/2020