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Carol Lee Carl Sun

'Sister Mok-rahn' elevates artists of East Asian descent through story of North Korean defector

The Lewis Center for the Arts’ Program in Theater will present the first full English-language production of “Sister Mok-rahn,” a critically acclaimed contemporary Korean play written by Eunsung Kim and translated by Dayoung Jeong. The production is the senior thesis project of Jenny Kim ’20, who provided dramaturgy, lighting design, and set design, while Carol Lee ’20 plays the title character, Jo Mok-rahn.

NEWS | 02/13/2020

“Ask the Sexpert” written on a light blue background. In the bottom left corner sits the yellow, red, and blue Peer Health Advisors logo. “The Prospect” is written on the bottom right.

Sexpert: female ejaculation

Dear Sexpert, Basically, my boyfriend and I were in bed. He was going down on me while simultaneously fingering me. When he was doing that I felt like something was going to be released, but I thought it would be squirting. My body did become a little tensed up, and my muscles felt stuck. When we finished having intercourse, he said that there was some liquid that had flown down my vagina. He thought it was cum. I have a history of white discharge, but this one seemed a lot more liquid-y. I don’t know if I came or if it was white discharge. Could you help me out? –Fluid Detective

THE PROSPECT | 12/03/2019


On grilled cheese sandwiches

When I took the first bite, I instantly knew I was home. Much like the scene in “Ratatouille” where the food critic Anton Ego has a flashback to his childhood upon tasting the ratatouille served to him, I remembered all the previous times I had eaten grilled cheese at home. The warm, gooey center of cheese between the buttery, crispy-on-the-outside-but-soft-on-the-inside bread slices brought me a sense of inner warmth and joy.

THE PROSPECT | 11/12/2019


“Where can I find a Denman brush?”: How to navigate Afro haircare in a PWI

So, here’s your guide for black haircare here at Princeton: set aside a specific day to take care of your hair, and develop a thorough wash day routine. If you are transitioning to a natural style, focus on highlighting other aspects of your appearance that make you feel confident. While you are natural, stick to one brand that works for you. And finally, whether you are in need of a particular product or hair for your protective styles, your best bet is to find them online, probably Amazon.

THE PROSPECT | 11/10/2019

Princeton Reject Club

The Princeton Reject Club

But for all of those of you who are still lamenting your rejections, I propose a new student group: The Princeton Reject Club. It’s completely normal to be rejected. Princeton is a highly selective school to get into in the first place. And here we are, existing as a pool of extremely talented, ambitious, (slightly) competitive people, and we’re all fighting to belong.

THE PROSPECT | 10/16/2019

Tiger Confession.jpg

Tiger Confessions' fantastic evolution towards live performance

Spann said she was open to holding future evenings of live Tiger Confessions, so long as the demand is there for it. I, for one, would be very excited to see where these ideas lead, as “Tiger Confessions: An Evening of Song and Dramatic Reading” was a wonderful way to blow off some steam at the end of a week of classes and enjoy the start of the weekend.

THE PROSPECT | 10/15/2019

East Pyne wall

Dazed, confused, and mildly inept

Not only does Princeton have a club for almost any extracurricular you can dream up, almost half of these clubs concern sports or performance arts almost none of us has tried before. So, whether you’re looking to diversify from the extracurriculars you did at high school, trying to find a squad, or have no idea where to start, here’s a (far too) brief list of some of the hidden gems you can find on campus.

THE PROSPECT | 10/10/2019