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The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

'Prince' presents no proof against HorowitzI have read Horowitz's ad (elsewhere, previously) and found it well thought-out.You characterize his ad as racist in your spineless "apology" for running his ad ? yet without presenting one scintilla of proof for doing so.

OPINION | 04/10/2001

The Daily Princetonian

The curious invasion of the Daves

Strange things have been happening at Yale, and the man responsible goes by the mysterious moniker "Dave." Just "Dave."For over a week now, all across their post-industrial wonderland of a Connecticut campus, Yalies have been seeing posters with baffling Dave-related slogans.

OPINION | 04/10/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Fire with Fire

Quick question: you believe in freedom of expression, right? Yeah, that's what I thought. You do.You are, of course, committed to liberal democratic ideals ? liberal in the classical sense of the word, naturally.

OPINION | 04/09/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Horowitz is absurd to claim that Jews and Christians should not receive their dueAs a Jew, I read David Horowitz's letter to the editor in yesterday's 'Prince' with horror and charoset.

OPINION | 04/09/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Horwitz responds to Princetonian's 'Abuse'I have attempted to place an ad in college papers expressing the view that reparations for slavery 136 years after the fact is a bad idea.

OPINION | 04/08/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Prince' has no right to designate Horowitz as a racistI read with interest your "To Our Readers" opinion referencing the publication of David Horowitz's controversial ad in Wednesday's 'Prince,' and was ready to commend you for your stance on free speech, so readily abdicated by the editorial boards of campus newspapers at prominent universities.However, I must take issue with your thoughtless appraisal of Mr. Horowitz as a racist (to be exact, your statement that the 'Prince' will not "profit from Mr. Horowitz's racism."). This is a serious charge you have chosen to make, and you have done so at great peril to your credibility unless you are able to demonstrate that either the ad or Mr. Horowitz is racist.I have read the ad, and while I agree that it is controversial, confrontational in tone and cannot possibly "tell the complete story" (who could purport to do so in 1,200 words?), I do not believe it to be racist.

OPINION | 04/05/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Amnesty chapter begins petition campaignOn the evening of Feb. 25 Chinese authorities detained Li Shaomin GS 88 as he was crossing into China from Hong Kong, where he works as an associate professor of marketing at the City University of Hong Kong.

OPINION | 04/04/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Animals deserve human love, not inhuman lustLaura Vanderkam '01 shrewdly contends in her March 8 column that Princeton professor Peter Singer is not simply moonlighting in bestiality to supplement his philosophic day job.

OPINION | 04/03/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Fearing the people factories

A few weeks ago, I claimed that cloning was small moral peanuts in comparison to our neglectful treatment of nonhuman organisms and future generations in environmental issues such as global climate change ("Created in Our Image," March 6). My position should not be mistaken for one that condones cloning humans.

OPINION | 04/03/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Just like peas and carrots

For the Supremely Motivated Self-Starting Student, the senior thesis is an opportunity to shine ? a chance to show the world what comes of four years of training at Princeton University, a chance to contribute to the academic body of knowledge, a chance to learn something about life.For me, it has been an intimidating and lethal obstacle that has shown me how to empathize with Dubya.I have to say, this is a slightly uncomfortable feeling for me, as I'm not especially a fan of Dubya.

OPINION | 04/02/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Letters to the Editor

Musicians should express themselves without considering their listeners' tastesI am writing to you to express a few thoughts on the March 28 column "On Musical ? and Audience ?Appreciation," in which Nathan Arrington '02 criticized the Philadelphia Orchestra's concert program for its inclusion of the Fourth Symphony by Michael Tippett.

OPINION | 04/02/2001

The Daily Princetonian

Why Horowitz overlooked Princeton

David Horowitz has never lost his desire to shock.The "red-diaper baby" of Communist parents, Horowitz spent his youth as an ally of the Black Panthers, creating mayhem and protesting that black men could never get a fair trial in the United States.Then the Black Panthers murdered one of his friends, and suddenly the criminal justice system didn't look so bad.

OPINION | 04/01/2001