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Her body, his choice?

For many women, Title X providers such as Planned Parenthood are their only source for adequate health care, and the loss of funds will leave a significant number of women, especially minority women, without basic care. While Trump’s views may be malleable (often in pursuit of political gain), women’s bodies are not, and they should not be subject to the wishy-washy nature of his presidency. 

OPINION | 03/04/2019


Men explain things to me at Princeton

While comments sections are never hospitable places, there is a visible difference in the way the male writers are treated versus the female writers. While harassing female columnists is the extreme, it is a point on a spectrum that includes the abysmally small number of female faculty at Princeton, the underreporting of college sexual assaults, and the chronic interruption of female students in precepts and seminars. 

OPINION | 03/04/2019


The Oscars’ erasure of racism in America

“Green Book” and “BlacKkKlansman” offer two vastly different narratives surrounding race in America, and their contrasting messages put forth two diverging paths for our modern America. These two movies both ostensibly deal with the issue of race in America, look to our past as a nation, and have strong thematic messages running through their narratives. But the two films are anything but similar.

OPINION | 02/27/2019


Nuke the filibuster

The current rules of the Senate enable tyranny of the minority. As 2020 Democratic primary candidates outline their plans to tackle these issues, it is important to keep in mind that no ambitious course of action can be adopted — even with Democratic majorities in the House and Senate — if the filibuster remains.

OPINION | 02/25/2019