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The Daily Princetonian

Learning from the fall

For Princetonians, the takeaway from the still-unfolding scandal of Eliot Spitzer '81 should be a re-examination of the metrics by which society, and Princeton in particular, measures success.Before being humbled by the recent allegations, Spitzer sat perched atop the pinnacle of achievement, as he had done all his life.

OPINION | 03/12/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Late-night love from Frist

There is perhaps nothing that dominates the mind of the college undergraduate more than food. (All right, maybe I can think of one thing.) I suppose that this is a truth about humanity as a whole that simply displays itself most virulently among the college-age population.

OPINION | 03/11/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Wag the pet project

In the recent past, the USG has in general sought to better campus life through pragmatic, small-scale initiatives as opposed to pursuing broader, more sweeping change.

OPINION | 03/09/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Apologia pro studio suo

My roommate will hate me for writing this, but it really should be said. Every student on this campus ought to take the four-course Humanities Sequence (HUM 216-219), Princeton's best method of introducing its undergraduates to 26 centuries of the Western canon.The Humanities Sequence is easily the most efficient and thorough way to obtain a liberal education.

OPINION | 03/09/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Drama and rumors in the invisible institution

I got my first lesson on the joys and perils of rumors as a second grader. As we lined up outside the building, preparing for another day of school, I felt an inexplicable impulse take over my entire being, as I blurted to a friend standing next to me, "Did you know that my first-grade teacher is on drugs?" Incredulously, he turned to me in a mixture of awe and disbelief.

OPINION | 03/06/2008

The Daily Princetonian

Cheer on every team

On a typical day, the University's website contains announcements of upcoming lectures by important speakers and performances by a variety of culturally diverse arts groups as well as news stories about compelling research and student awards.

OPINION | 03/06/2008